English » English


Proficiencies: (4 proficiency credits of Literacy are expected to attain proficiency)

Literacy (evidence of proficiency required in all areas at intermediate benchmark)


Student comprehends, interprets, analyzes, and evaluates a wide range and level of complex literary and informational texts.


Student produces clear, coherent writing for a range of purposes and audiences, including both short and sustained research projects.

Speaking and Listening 

Student expresses ideas clearly and persuasively, presents information and supporting evidence to convey a distinct perspective, and initiates and participates in discussions, responding thoughtfully to diverse points of view.


Student demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English syntax, grammar, usage and mechanics when writing or speaking, incorporating knowledge of domain specific words and phrases, and showing independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge.

Course Offerings:

Yearly Offerings

Alternating Year Offerings (23-24)

Alternating Year Offerings (24-25)

English 9A & 9B* (year course)

Page to Screen (10-12)

Creative Nonfiction (10-12)

English10A & 10B* (year course)

World Literature (11-12)

Discovering Drama in Literature and Writing (10-12)

Creative Writing (9-12)

Contemporary Literature (10-12)

Mythology and Alternate Traditions (10-12)

Journalism (9-12)

Introduction to Philosophy (11-12)

Society and the Human Condition (11-12)

Turn the Page (9-12)

Reading, Writing and Working in the Wilderness (11-12)


Composition and Language (10-12)

Science Fiction (10-12)


Media Literacy (10-12)



American Studies: English A & B (11-12: full year course)


Guided Learning Opportunity (GLO) English A & B (10-12)


Independent Learning Opportunity (ILO) English A & B (9-12)


Virtual High School Courses (VHS)


Dual Enrollment English (11-12)


AP English Literature & Composition A & B (11-12: full year course)


AP English Language & Composition A & B (11-12: full year course)


*required course