Design Technology » Design & Technology

Design & Technology


Design and Technology Education (not required for graduation)

Design and Problem Solving

Student recognizes and applies the design and problem solving process to real world situations

Technology and Machine Operation

Student recognizes and utilizes technology to create models and finished products.

Technology and Society

Student recognizes and applies the connections between technology and the society we live in.

Course Offerings:

Yearly Offerings

Alternating Year Offerings (23-24)

Alternating Year Offerings (24-25)

Intro to Metal Design and Fabrication (9-12)

Intro to Programming and Robotics (9-12)

Intro to Architectural Engineering (9-12) 

Intro to CAD Technologies (9-12)


Advanced Architectural Engineering (9-12)

Intro to Wood Design and Fabrication (9-12)



Art and Technology (9-12)



Advanced Metal Design and Fabrication (9-12)



Advanced CAD Technologies  (9-12)



Advanced Wood Design and Fabrication (9-12)